About the Council

The PNG Europe Business Council Inc. was established on 24 May 2019. It is the product of a concept promoted and nurtured by the European Union. Council members comprises of members of business, various organisations and government representative.

Papua New Guinea occupies the eastern half of the island of New Guinea, just north of Australia, and many outlying islands. The Indonesian province of West Papua (Irian Jaya) is to the west. To the north and east are the islands of Manus, New Britain, New Ireland, and Bougainville, all part of Papua New Guinea. About one-tenth larger than California, its mountainous interior has only recently been explored. Two major rivers, the Sepik and the Fly, are navigable for shallow-draft vessels.

With a vibrant and colourful Papua New Guinea culture, more than 600 islands and 800 indigenous languages, PNG is made up of 4 regions with 22 provinces.

Creating new opportunities

PNG Europe Business Council Inc. aims to strengthen economic, financial and cultural ties and create genuine opportunities for both the private and government sectors.

Building partnerships

Through building partnerships and increasing access to information and participation in events and dialogue, we aim to energise and facilitate opportunities for trade and investment activity for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Pacific Partnerships – stimulating increased trade and investment between the PNG and Europe.

As the first of its kind in the Pacific, the PNG Europe Business Council Inc is pleased to offer Pacific Partner registration services to the business community, organisations, chambers and peak bodies and Government representatives located or operating in the EU-Pacific Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) signatory countries of Fiji, Samoa and the Solomon Islands.

Register as a PNG–Europe Council Member

Our Mission Statement

The objects for which the Council is established are to represent the interests of PNG and Europe businesses with various tasks including but not limited to:

  • To arrange for regular and effective consultation between the member states of the EU and PNG enterprises in PNG and in the EU.
  • To promote awareness of the EU PNG Trade Agreement, including providing information about the opportunities for increased participation by PNG business in the member states of the EU as well as highlighting awareness of and tackling barriers to trade between PNG and the member states of the EU
  • To strengthen common understanding, increased trade and investment, technical and economic co-operation between PNG and the EU and promote PNG as a tourism destination for residents of the member states of the EU.
  • To carry out objective research studies on matters affecting or concerning any of the above objects.
  • To facilitate effective consultation between the private sector in the EU and the private sector in PNG.
  • To maintain liaison with the Government of PNG and the Delegation of the European Union to PNG and its member states as well as international organisations in order to promote any of the above objects and to provide the views of members in regards to trade between PNG and the EU as well as information on the state of trade relations between PNG and the EU.
  • To provide a forum for contacts and discussions of questions of common interest and provide information to and liaise with other private sector associations.
  • Generally, to enter into, execute and carry out all contracts and agreements of any kind whatsoever and to do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the realisation of all or any of the above objects.
  • Except as hereinbefore provided to apply the income and property of the Council solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Council.
  • To prohibit the payment of any dividend or payment in the nature of a dividend to the Council’s members; and
  • To do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects or any of them.


  1. NAME
    1. There is hereby established an unincorporated body which is to be known as the PNG Europe Business Council Inc (“the Council”).
    2. The Council is comprised of business entities and persons in Papua New Guinea and in the European Union member countries
    1. The Council represents the interests of Papua New Guinea (“PNG”) businesses and European Union (“EU”) businesses that contribute to private sector development in PNG thus contributing towards broad based economic growth and sustainable development.
    2. The objects for which the Council is established are to represent the interests of PNG and EU businesses with the following tasks but not limited to:-
      1. To arrange for regular and effective consultation between the members states of The European Union and Papua New Guinea enterprises in Papua New Guinea and in the European Union.
      2. Promote awareness of the EU PNG Trade Agreement, including informing about the opportunities for increased participation by PNG business as well as conducting awareness and tackling barriers to trade with the European Union.
      3. To strengthen common understanding, increased trade and investment, technical and economic co-operation and promote PNG as a tourism destination between Papua New Guinea and The European Union.
      4. To carry out objective research studies on any matters affecting or concerning any of the above objects.
      5. To facilitate effective consultation between the private sector in The European Union and Papua New Guinea.
      6. To maintain liaison with the Governments of Papua New Guinea and The European Union as well as international organisations in order to promote any of the above objects and to provide the views of members in regards to trade between Papua New Guinea and The European Union as well as information on the state of trade relations between Papua New Guinea and The European Union.
      7. To provide a forum for contacts and discussions of questions of common interest and information and liaise with other private sector associations.
      8. Generally to enter into, execute and carry out all contracts and agreements of any kind whatsoever and to do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to all or any of the above objects.
      9. Except as hereinbefore provided to apply the income and property of the Council solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Council.
    3. Every member of the Council undertakes to contribute to the assets of the Council in the event of the Council being wound up while he is a member or within six months after he ceases to be a member for payment of the debts and liabilities of the Council contracted before he ceases to be a member and of the costs, charges and expenses of winding up and for the adjustment of the rights of the contributories among themselves such amounts as may be required but not exceeding the membership fee. 

The office of the Council shall be located in Port Moresby at a place as decided by the Executive Committee from time to time.

A person of high standing in The European Union/Papua New Guinea community will be invited by the Executive Committee to act as Patron.  The Patron will not have voting rights but may attend all major functions of the Council.

The Council shall be governed by the rules of this Constitution.


    • The members of the Council shall be those persons as the Executive Committee may admit from time to time and such persons shall upon due notification of admission to membership being given by the Executive Committee be deemed to be bound by the Constitution and by any rules, regulations or by-laws of the Council that are in force from time to time.
    • The members of the Council shall be the following classes and any person who in the opinion of the Executive Committee has the qualifications set out below against any of those classes shall be eligible to be admitted to membership of that class:

      (i) Ordinary Member

      A body (whether a corporation or an unincorporated body) engaged in or otherwise interested in trade and commerce between The European Union and Papua New Guinea.

      Members shall be divided into separate classes according to whether they have an established presence in one or both countries as follows:-

      – a member who carries on business in The European Union and Papua New Guinea;
      – a member who carries on business in The European Union; and
      – a member who carries on business in Papua New Guinea.

      Any differential fees will be payable as prescribed by the Executive in accordance with clause 6(c) below.

      (ii)       Associate Member

      A person who is a nominee of a department of the Government of The European Union or Papua New Guinea or of the governments of any of the countries in The European Union, or of the Provinces of Papua New Guinea, or a nominee of a university, college or similar institution and such other persons or corporations as the Executive Committee shall from time to time approve.

    • The Executive Council may from time to time determine in respect of each class of membership the amount of the annual subscription payable by the members and may determine the date as and from which any new rate shall come into force.
    • Except as provided in sub-clause (c) of this Clause members joining part way through a financial year shall pay a subscription fee assessed on a pro-rata basis.
    • All annual subscriptions must be payable within six weeks after the Annual General Meeting.
    • The Executive Committee may with the authority of the Council in General Meeting in which, two-thirds of the ordinary members present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote, have voted in favour of the resolution, impose or levy on ordinary members such amount not exceeding the subscription fee applicable in the relevant year payable at such time or times as is authorised by the special resolution.
    • If a member fails to pay any subscription or levy within the time specified, the Executive Committee may at any time while the sum remains unpaid terminate the membership of that member.
    • The management and control of the affairs of the Council is hereby vested in the Executive Committee which (in addition to any other powers expressly conferred upon it by this constitution) may carry into effect all or any of the objects of the Council and may exercise all powers of the Council and do all such acts and things as may be exercised or done by the Council and as are not by this constitution expressly directed or required to be exercised or done by the Council in general meeting.
    • The Executive Committee shall consist of up to eight representatives of ordinary members.
    • The officers of the Executive Committee shall consist of a President, Immediate Past President, a Vice President, an Honorary Treasurer, an Honorary Secretary and three other committee members.
    • The President can serve as President for a period of up to 3 periods; the period between the first and third plenary consecutive Annual General Meetings.  In the event there are no nominations for President, the incumbent President may continue in office for a further one year period provided the incumbent consents to continuing as President and, if he or she is subject to rotation under Clause 7(i) of this Constitution, the person retires by rotation and is re-elected to the Executive Committee.
    • The Immediate Past President shall vacate his position as an officer of the Executive Committee upon the cessation from office of the President, who shall immediately assume the office of Immediate Past President.
    • Notwithstanding anything in this Constitution the first members of the Executive Committee shall be such representatives of companies as are appointed at a meeting to be called for the formation of the Council.
    • No representatives of companies appointed to the Executive Committee pursuant to paragraph (g) above shall be required to retire by rotation at the first Annual General Meeting after their appointment.
    • At every Annual General Meeting of the Council subsequent to the first Annual General Meeting, four of the members of the Executive Committee for the time being shall retire from office.  A retiring member of the Executive Committee shall be eligible for re-election in the ensuing year.
    • The members of the Executive Committee to retire in every year shall be those members who have been longest in office since their last election, but as between persons who became members of the Executive Committee on the same day those to retire shall (unless they otherwise agree among themselves) be determined by lot.
    The funds of the Council shall be deposited in accordance with the directions of the Executive Committee. The funds of the Council shall be used only to meet the expenses and to carry out the objects of the Council. Any two members of the Executive Committee shall be authorised to operate on the Council’s bank account as joint signatories. The Council’s financial year shall commence on January 1 in any year.
    The Executive Committee may, whenever it thinks fit, and shall if requested to do so in writing by twelve (12) ordinary members of the Council, convene a General Meeting of the Council to deal with any particular matters.
    There shall be an Annual General Meeting which shall be held within six months of the end of the financial year.  The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be:
  • To elect the Executive Committee;
  • To receive the Annual Report of the President;
  • To receive a statement of accounts duly audited and certified for the preceding financial year;
  • To appoint an auditor for the ensuing year; and
  • To transact such other business of which due notice has been given or which, in the opinion of the meeting, it is expedient to consider.
    A quorum for a meeting of the Council shall consist of not less than twelve (12) representatives of ordinary members present in person or by proxy.  A quorum for a meeting of the Executive Committee shall consist of not less than four (4) members present in person.
    At any meeting of the Council or the Executive Committee, the members (including the Chairman) present in person or by proxy shall be entitled to one vote only on each matter deliberated.  Except as provided in sub-clause 5(g) and clause 16 all resolutions shall require an affirmative vote of the majority of those present in person or by proxy.
    Subject to agreements for shorter notice fourteen (14) days’ notice at least specifying the place, the day and the hour of the meeting and in the case of special business the general nature of that business, shall be given to such person who are entitled to receive such notice from the Council.
    The Council and the Executive Committee are empowered to authorise the setting up of Sub-Committees for the purpose of carrying out specific projects identified by the Council.
    The Council in General Meeting may amend this Constitution by a two-third majority vote at a meeting for which due notice has been given.
    In the event that it is resolved that the Council be wound up, the resolution affecting such dissolution shall prohibit the payment or distribution or any surplus assets among the members of the Council and require them to be given or transferred to some other Institution or Institutions having objects similar to the objects of the Council and which impose appropriate prohibitions on the distribution of its or their income and property among its or their members.

View our Rules of the PNG European Union Business Council and our PNG European Union Business Council Certificate of Incorporation for Association in our Resources section here.

A colourful Papua New Guinea culture

Our Executive

Council members are comprised of members of the organisations, chambers and peak bodies and Government.

  • Michael Sullivan
  • Nathan Namaliu
  • Jelena Pesic
  • Ambassador Gabriel Pepson
    Executive Council Member
  • Eddie Pfeiffer
    Executive Council Member
  • James Fraser-Byass
    Executive Council Member
  • Lorna McPherson
    Executive Council Member
  • Rio Fiocco
    Executive Council Member
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